I listen and advise! I’m studying psychology at the University of Amsterdam. I’m interested in helping you. Scan the WhatsApp code and let’s chat! Or press the button 👇🏻
Life is unfair, difficult, and our opportunities to survive are not equal.
However, I believe life can be navigated with a smile. Here are three thoughts on how to turn a difficult life into a better one:
Think of others when you’re going through a hard time.
Look around at the people near you. You’ll soon realize many carry similar (or worse) burdens. This helps you see your problems in a lighter perspective. As the Dalai Lama teaches, compassion towards others is an effective antidote to personal suffering.
Take full responsibility for everything happening around you.
We can choose how we respond to events around us. When you take full responsibility for your life, as Brian Tracy teaches, you stop being a victim of circumstances. Taking responsibility doesn’t mean carrying guilt, but having the power to change your situation. Even staying still is a choice!
Don’t be alone with your thoughts.
Carl Jung aptly said: “Loneliness is not about the absence of people around you, but the inability to tell them what’s important to you.” Our minds easily create negative thought patterns that intensify in isolation. By sharing your thoughts with another person, you gain new perspective and often realize your fears aren’t as real as your mind suggests.

During my studies, I offer my service at a 50% discount*.
Book a half-hour (€30 / 30 min) or one-hour (€50 / 60 min) session.
*Compared to the minimum fee of
a professional practicing psychologist.
Payment through holvi.com.
Raccoonbox is my company.
All conversations with me are confidential!
My service is suitable for every young person, adult, and senior.
There’s always hope!
I’ve buried my mother. Bid farewell to my grandfather to the afterlife. My friend died in war. I’ve been poor. Homeless. Divorced. Marginalized and isolated. Addicted to gambling, adrenaline, alcohol, sex. I’ve overcome all previous substances and quit smoking.
I’ve been depressed. Powerless. Bullied. Lonely. In an observation class. A difficult child. Weird. Drove a scooter through a shopping center, naked. I have a difficult relationship with my siblings. My heart has been broken. As well as my nose. My dreams crushed multiple times. I’ve fallen, risen, fallen, risen… tried more than I want to admit.
Life has kicked me in the head, sometimes hard. Yet, I can smile and believe every morning that good things will happen in my day. I’ve done strong work for my mental well-being. I’ve also strived to create reliable relationships in my life. I believe my experience can help you!
- I publish my thoughts on Instagram.
- Find me @konstantin.nikkari
- If you google my name, you’ll find many entries about my life.

Bedtime reading
- Cognitive psychotherapy book under my bed.
- Heavy bedtime reading, but interesting.
- This book has helped me understand myself.
“Konstantin is an empathetic and trust-inspiring listener who can take into account people’s emotional states without sympathizing with them. He approaches work tasks professionally and calmly, can adapt to surprising and difficult situations, and tackles new challenges without prejudice.”

Urpo Leppäjärvi
Colonel (ret.). My friend for over a decade.
Note! My service is consultation. I’m not yet a psychologist or therapist. I want to be both, so I’m studying how to help someone in a difficult life. My help is affordable student work and friendly advice.
I write about psychology, mental power, and culture. Our imperfect mind fascinates me.
- The effect of mimicry on helpfulness
- Dealing with distractions
- What is autism and who is an autistic person
- Kuinka puheterapian opiskelijat harjoittavat kirjallista reflektointia opinto-ohjelmansa aikana.
- Toisen kielen heikentynyt vastaanotto aivoissa liittyy dysleksian tapaa käsitellä äidinkielen lukutaitoa.
- Mielenterveydelle avuksi
- Autistinen henkilö tai henkilö, jolla on autismi
- Psychology entrance exam in Finland 2024
- Radioaktiivisten villisikojen pelastaja Konstantin