Category: English

  • The effect of mimicry on helpfulness

    The effect of mimicry on helpfulness

    This is my first literature review done while studying at University of Amsterdam. Mimicry, the ability to copy others’ behaviours and mannerisms, is an essential part of human social interactions. It manifests in everyday situations, from mirroring conversational postures to repeating verbal instructions. Mimicry helps us connect with others and show shared understanding (Carpenter et…

  • Dealing with distractions

    Dealing with distractions

    Distraction, particularly from our phones, is arguably one the biggest downfall for us to effectively study or do work. The more apps and connections we have to these apps the more destructively they pull our attention. For example: my distractions are mail, WhatsApp and Instagram. At any given time when I study I might suddenly…

  • What is autism and who is an autistic person

    What is autism and who is an autistic person

    ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autism spectrum disorders, and Tourette’s syndrome are all developmental neuropsychiatric illnesses. They are congenital or appear in early childhood. ADHD and autism spectrum disorders share a symptom profile comparable to Asperger syndrome. ADHD is a relatively less common disorder in the population (3%), and autism is even rarer (1%). Please…

  • Psychology entrance exam in Finland 2024

    Psychology entrance exam in Finland 2024

    Finland’s universities that offer psychology programmes collaborate with one another and use a common entrance exam. It is quite challenging to pass this exam, if not the most challenging. The preliminary exam material, which consists of eight research papers and one document that translates English professional jargon to Finnish, was issued today by the university…

  • Understand the leadership studies

    Understand the leadership studies

    Leadership, like European culture, is a recently scheduled study for me. Today I had to pause and consider what exactly I must study when my clock ticks to Leadership. And, as with European culture studies, at first I couldn’t figure out why or what to study. Hmm… Perhaps why is clear. My interest in leadership is because…

  • The man who founded the European Union

    The man who founded the European Union

    Robert Schuman is the Father of Europe. The European Parliament has bestowed onto him this extraordinary honour. In addition, we commemorate Europe Day on 9 May in honour of Mr. Schuman’s unwavering will to bring Europe together. To learn more about the founding of the European Union, please keep reading. Destructive warfare plagued Europe throughout…

  • Motor disorders

    Motor disorders

    Yesterday I was doing pull ups, handstanding, and some balancing on a canoe. With no giving a single thought of how I should execute my muscles to move so they would pull me up above the bar. Or how would my wrists, abs and thighs strengthen and balance me while I pushed my feet toward…

  • Neuroanatomical terms for directions and Brain Geography

    Neuroanatomical terms for directions and Brain Geography

    This post contains four topics:  Galen, the first man to understand brain is for thinking, Brain navigation, Brain planes and Navigation terms. Galen In front of me lies a digital copy of a Cognitive Neuroscience book written by Marie Banich and Rebecca Compton, 2018, published by Cambridge University press. While reading this book I have found myself extensively…